Archive for the month “February, 2015”

Fantabulous news from the world of pants

The magic of Cecil’s Amazing Panty Wanty Woos continues…

The Abominators series is now being distributed in the USA (Little, Brown Young Readers, an imprint of Little, Brown Book Group; ISBN 9781907411625) and to my leaping around the kitchen and frightening the dog delight the first book has been positively reviewed in the February 1, 2015 issue of School Library Journal (circ. 26,747)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the review in full:

Boogster, Cheesy, Mucker and Bob are a naughty group of fifth graders at the Grimely East Primary School who love making mischief and playing pranks. New kid Cecil Trumpington-Potts, who speaks in babytalk and wears “panty-wanty-woos,” wants to join their gang and must successfully pull off a daring prank in order to prove his worth. There’s a strong subversive thread, along with large doses of potty humor, in this British import. Hand to readers who’ve worn out their copies of Dav Pilkey’s books and are ready for slightly more challenging vocabulary.

Potty humour? Moi?

I am so pleased about this review, and that it will have reached so many people. It has made me determined to carry on with my new project, which is to write lots of creative writing activities for kids based on The Abominators. These activities would be available free online and my books would be like the Trojan horse going into Troy, a way of reaching kids and encouraging them to use their imaginations and have fun with writing.

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